Monday, November 28, 2005

Easier Than I Thought

Just a couple of notes as I "move in."

1) I am surprised how simple and quick it is to line up your own blogosphere.

2) The names:
"Right Side Up" - comes from a redemptive approach to understanding our world/culture. It is currently "upside down" and as we move Biblical truths to bear on our surroundings, we will be amazed to see things go right side up.

"untracusminda" - comes from the book "Wildlife in the Kingdom Come" (Ken Johnson and ?). This is the "Latin" name for the "Fanatic" - Un Tracus Minda. BTW - I whole heartedly recommend, no, implore you to find a copy and get a box of Kleenex. You'll be brought to tears at times over the humour used to describe "Critters" on the theological landscape.


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